
Prepared Test and Analysis of Graphene Photocathode by the Spin Coating Method

  • 摘要: 为研究石墨烯光阴极的特性,在Hummer方法的基础上引入超声和热水的辅助手段,制备得到石墨烯粉末,以此作为前驱体在阴极窗口玻璃基底上旋涂形成石墨烯薄膜,再使用电子束蒸镀工艺,以镍铬作为蒸镀材料制成环形电极,形成石墨烯光阴极组件。通过原子力显微镜、分光光度计、四探针、光荧光测试仪等技术手段对不同制备和处理工艺的石墨烯光阴极组件进行了研究分析。结果表明:增加分散液浓度和后续高温还原处理均使得石墨烯光阴极组件的吸收率增加;高温还原处理不仅可以提升石墨烯光阴极组件表面平整度,而且不会破坏石墨烯光阴极的晶体结构,还可以有效减少石墨烯光阴极的缺陷,对提高石墨烯光阴极发射特性具有一定促进作用。


    Abstract: In this study, the properties of graphene photocathodes were investigated using a modified Hummers' method enhanced by ultrasonic and hot water treatments to synthesize graphene powder. This powder, serving as a precursor, was used to form graphene films on the glass substrates of the photocathode window via spin coating. Subsequently, annular Ni/Cr electrodes were fabricated by electron-beam evaporation, resulting in the assembly of the graphene photocathode. Comprehensive analyses of photocathodes subjected to various preparation and processing techniques were conducted using atomic force microscopy, spectrophotometry, four-point probing, and photoluminescence testing. The results indicate that both the increased dispersion concentration and subsequent temperature reduction treatments significantly enhanced the absorption rate of the photocathode. Importantly, high-temperature reduction not only improves the surface smoothness of the photocathode assembly but also maintains the integrity of its crystal structure, reducing defects. This contributes positively to enhancing the emission characteristics of the graphene photocathode.


