吴捷, 马小虎. 融合判别性与细粒度特征的抗遮挡红外目标跟踪算法[J]. 红外技术, 2022, 44(11): 1139-1145.
引用本文: 吴捷, 马小虎. 融合判别性与细粒度特征的抗遮挡红外目标跟踪算法[J]. 红外技术, 2022, 44(11): 1139-1145.
WU Jie, MA Xiaohu. Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking AlgorithmBased on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained Features[J]. Infrared Technology , 2022, 44(11): 1139-1145.
Citation: WU Jie, MA Xiaohu. Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking AlgorithmBased on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained Features[J]. Infrared Technology , 2022, 44(11): 1139-1145.


Anti-Occlusion Infrared Target Tracking AlgorithmBased on Fusion of Discriminant and Fine-Grained Features

  • 摘要: 针对现有热红外目标跟踪算法难以处理相似物干扰和目标遮挡的问题,引入MMNet(Multi-task Matching Network)算法中的多任务框架获取热红外目标特定的判别性特征和细粒度特征,并将这两种特征相互融合,用于在类间和类内识别热红外对象。此外,利用峰值旁瓣比动态设置模型更新参数以更高效地获取目标变化信息并对跟踪结果进行评估。对于不可靠跟踪结果利用卡尔曼滤波对目标位置进行预测。在LSOTB-TIR(Large-Scale Thermal Infrared Object Tracking Benchmark)红外数据集上的实验结果表明,提出的改进算法性能较好,相比MMNet跟踪精确度和成功率分别提高了5.7%和4.2%,且能有效应对遮挡、变形等挑战,可以应用于红外目标跟踪领域。


    Abstract: Considering the problem in which the existing thermal infrared target tracking algorithms have difficulty dealing with similar object interference and target occlusion, the multi-task framework in the MMNet algorithm is introduced to obtain the specific discriminant features and fine-grained features of thermal infrared targets, which are fused to identify thermal infrared objects between and within classes. In addition, the peak side-lobe ratio is adopted to dynamically set the model update parameters and obtain the target change information more efficiently, in addition to evaluating the tracking results. For unreliable tracking results, a Kalman filter was unutilized to predict the target. The experimental results on the LSOTB-TIR dataset demonstrated that the performance of the improved algorithm was optimal. Compared with MMNet, the tracking accuracy and success rate were improved by 5.7% and 4.2%, respectively. It can effectively address the challenges of occlusion and deformation and can also be applied to the field of infrared target tracking.


