吕鹏远, 兰金江, 曾学仁, 牛霈, 方亮, 赵松璞. 基于特征增强与融合的红外目标检测算法[J]. 红外技术, 2024, 46(7): 782-790.
引用本文: 吕鹏远, 兰金江, 曾学仁, 牛霈, 方亮, 赵松璞. 基于特征增强与融合的红外目标检测算法[J]. 红外技术, 2024, 46(7): 782-790.
LYU Pengyuan, LAN Jinjiang, ZENG Xueren, NIU Pei, FANG Liang, ZHAO Songpu. Infrared Object Detection Algorithm Based on Feature Enhancement and Fusion[J]. Infrared Technology , 2024, 46(7): 782-790.
Citation: LYU Pengyuan, LAN Jinjiang, ZENG Xueren, NIU Pei, FANG Liang, ZHAO Songpu. Infrared Object Detection Algorithm Based on Feature Enhancement and Fusion[J]. Infrared Technology , 2024, 46(7): 782-790.


Infrared Object Detection Algorithm Based on Feature Enhancement and Fusion

  • 摘要: 针对红外图像中目标对比度、信噪比以及分辨率都较低等特点,将传统图像处理方法与深度学习技术结合,提出了一种基于特征增强与融合的红外目标检测网络。网络首先利用图像滤波、锐化以及均衡化等方法突出红外图像中的目标特征,丰富网络输入信息;其次,针对单个维度以及不同维度间的特征,设计多层次信息聚合的特征提取结构,充分提取并融合目标空间语义信息;同时,为提升特征提取结构中关键特征权重,引入混合注意力机制,以多种方式捕获目标全局上下文信息后增强对应空间及通道信息;最后,针对不同尺度目标,采用自适应加权方式来综合相邻维度特征,实现各尺度红外目标准确高效的检测。通过在KAIST、FLIR以及RGBT数据集上的实验结果表明,所提方法与现有基于神经网络的红外目标检测方法相比有效提升了红外目标检测性能,并且在复杂场景下,该方法也比其他同类算法具有更高的适应性。


    Abstract: To address the challenges of low contrast, low signal-to-noise ratio, and low resolution in infrared images, this study proposes an infrared object detection network that combines traditional image processing methods with deep learning technology for feature enhancement and fusion. The main steps in this approach are as follows. 1) Preprocessing: The network employs image filtering, sharpening, and equalization methods to highlight object features in the infrared image and enrich the input information. 2) Feature Extraction: A multi-level information aggregation feature extraction structure has been designed to fully extract and integrate the spatial and semantic information of objects, addressing both single-dimension and multi-dimension features. 3) Attention mechanism: To improve the weighting of key features in the extraction structure, a hybrid attention mechanism is introduced. This captures global context information in multiple ways, enhancing both spatial and channel information. 4) Feature fusion: An adaptive weighting method is applied to fuse features from adjacent dimensions, ensuring accurate and efficient detection of infrared objects. Experimental results on the KAIST, FLIR, and RGBT datasets show that the proposed method significantly improves the performance of infrared object detection compared to existing neural network-based methods. Additionally, this method demonstrates higher adaptability in complex scenes compared to other similar algorithms.


