
Development of Low-Light-Level Night Vision Equipment Abroad

  • 摘要: 微光夜视装备水平在很大程度上决定着部队在夜间的作战能力。在现代战争中,国外军事强国为了实现夜间“单向透明”到“独享黑夜”的飞跃提升,近年来都在大力发展微光夜视装备。本文回顾了国外微光夜视装备发展历程与技术进步,重点对近年来美国、俄罗斯、法国这3个国家微光夜视装备发展现状进行了梳理,探讨了微光夜视装备研发中的具体投入、技术创新路径以及实际应用情况,通过比较分析各国在微光夜视装备技术上的发展经验,对我国微光夜视装备发展有所借鉴和启示。分析可见,微光夜视技术在提升夜间作战能力和安全保障方面具有重要意义,在军事领域具有重要作用。


    Abstract: The combat capability of a military at night is largely determined by the quality of low-light night-vision equipment. In contemporary military conflicts, various countries with sophisticated capabilities have been actively advancing low-light night vision equipment to achieve a substantial transition from "one-way transparency" to "exclusive control of the night." This study systematically reviews the global development history and technological progress of low-light night vision equipment, focusing on the progression and current state of development in three countries: the United States, Russia, and France. It also explores specific investments, technological innovation paths, and actual applications in the development of low-light night vision equipment across these nations. By comparing and analyzing the developmental experiences of various countries regarding low-light night vision equipment technology, this study offers a reference and inspiration for the development of low-light night vision equipment in China. This comprehensive analysis demonstrates that low-light night vision technology is crucial in augmenting the combat capability of the military at night and guaranteeing national security, indicating that low-light night vision technology will play a crucial role in the military domain in the future.


