
吕宗旺, 牛贺杰, 孙福艳, 甄彤

吕宗旺, 牛贺杰, 孙福艳, 甄彤. 低照度图像增强算法研究综述[J]. 红外技术, 2025, 47(2): 165-178.
引用本文: 吕宗旺, 牛贺杰, 孙福艳, 甄彤. 低照度图像增强算法研究综述[J]. 红外技术, 2025, 47(2): 165-178.
LYU Zongwang, NIU Hejie, SUN Fuyan, ZHEN Tong. Review of Research on Low-Light Image Enhancement Algorithms[J]. Infrared Technology , 2025, 47(2): 165-178.
Citation: LYU Zongwang, NIU Hejie, SUN Fuyan, ZHEN Tong. Review of Research on Low-Light Image Enhancement Algorithms[J]. Infrared Technology , 2025, 47(2): 165-178.



国家重点研发计划项目 2022YFD2100202



  • 中图分类号: TP391

Review of Research on Low-Light Image Enhancement Algorithms

  • 摘要:



    Low-light image enhancement is an important problem in the field of image processing. The rapid development of deep learning technology provides a new solution for low-light image enhancement and has broad application prospects. First, the current research status and challenges in the field of low-light image enhancement are comprehensively analyzed, and traditional methods and their advantages and disadvantages are introduced. Second, deep learning-based low-light image enhancement algorithms are classified into five categories according to their different learning strategies, and the principles, network structures, and problem-solving capabilities of these algorithms are explained in detail. Third, representative deep learning-based image enhancement algorithms from the last six years are compared and analyzed in chronological order. Fourth, the current mainstream datasets and evaluation indexes are summarized, and the deep learning algorithms are tested and evaluated in terms of perceived similarity and algorithm performance. Finally, directions for improvement and future research in the field of low-light image enhancement are discussed and suggested.

  • 在日常生活中,有许多领域需要高质量的清晰图像,如生物医学、航空航天、安防监控、交通运输等。但有时拍摄会受到环境或使用设备的影响,导致无法拍摄到清晰、高质量的图像。比如在弱光或昏暗背光条件下拍摄容易产生低照度的图像[1](low-light image, LLI),这些图像通常会出现各种劣化,包括亮度不足、对比度低、图像视觉质量差等,这些问题不仅会降低用户体验,还会给后续的视觉任务带来较大的困难,从而增加了计算机视觉和人类识别图像的难度。因此,低照度图像增强技术应运而生。



    目前应用比较广泛的低照度图像增强算法可以大致分为以下几类:直方图均衡化算法、色调映射算法、基于融合算法、基于去雾算法以及基于Retinex理论等,本章将分别介绍传统的低照度图像增强算法。代表方法总结如图 1

    图  1  传统低照度图像增强代表方法总结
    Figure  1.  Summary of traditional low-light image enhancement representation methods

    直方图均衡化[2](histogram equalization, HE)是一种经典的图像增强方法,通过重新分配图像灰度值的累积分布来增强对比度。其原理简单,处理速度较快,在低光照条件下可以改善图像的亮度分布和清晰度。但是通过HE算法处理后的图像,由于未考虑图像像素的空间位置和邻域信息,会存在一些盲目性,而且会出现灰度级合并导致细节信息丢失等问题。

    为了解决HE算法中存在的问题,一系列改进算法相继出现。Jebadass等人[3]为了提升图像质量,结合了模糊集理论,将低光照图像模糊化,接着利用对比度有限的自适应直方图均衡化方法增强图像。杨嘉能等人[4]提出了自适应校正的动态直方图均衡算法,有效地防止了灰度级的合并,并且较大程度上保留了图像的细节。Kuo等人[5]结合高斯概率模型与双组图均衡来增强医学图像,有效增强了图像中病理特征的熵和对比度,从而提高医生诊断和计算机辅助检测的效率。Li等人[6]基于HSV色彩空间,利用双边伽玛调整(bilateral image Gamma adjustment,BIGA)函数和双高原直方图均衡(double plateaus histogram equalization, DPHE)的优点,通过找到最优参数值,对图像的对比度和亮度进行全局增强,实现了矿井图像的细节增强。

    色调映射算法[7](tone mapping algorithm)主要用于对高动态范围(HDR)图像进行处理,将其转换为适合显示或打印的低动态范围(LDR)图像。在低光照条件下,色调映射算法主要用于增强图像的亮度和色彩表现。



    ① 色调映射算法的显示质量存在局限性,可能会出现颜色误差、亮度失真等问题,影响图像的真实感和观感。

    ② 通常需要复杂的数学运算和参数调节,难以满足实时性处理的需求。

    基于融合的算法(fusion-based algorithm)将多个图像处理结果进行融合,以得到最终的增强效果。这种方法可以结合不同的增强手段,以增强图像的亮度、清晰度和色彩表现。在李明悦等人[10]的研究中,他们设计了一种创新的低照度光场图像增强策略,该策略融合了多尺度特征,并巧妙地引入了数码单反相机(DSLR)拍摄的图像作为监督信号,以优化网络训练过程,进而提升输出图像的质量。张微微[11]将其应用到了低照度水下图像增强,使用白平衡算法进行图像色彩恢复,然后使用伽马校正对全局对比度进行调整,再引入Retinex理论获得亮度增强细节增强的图像,最后通过多尺度融合得到结果图像。田子建等学者[12]针对矿井环境下图像亮度不足、细节模糊等挑战,开发了一种新颖的增强技术。该技术结合了Transformer模型的强大表征能力与自适应特征融合策略,将图像的浅层细节特征与深层网络提取的高级特征进行有效整合,从而在增强图像亮度的同时,显著减少了细节信息的丢失。


    ① 在图像处理过程中,不同的增强结果可能会产生边缘伪影或轮廓伪影,导致图像质量下降。

    ② 在融合过程中,不同增强结果的融合可能会引入图像失真,降低了图像的视觉质量和真实感。


    Dong等人[13]首次在实验中发现有雾图像和低照度图像拥有相似的特征,将暗通道先验去雾算法应用到了低照度图像增强领域,成功获得了低照度的亮度增强图像。夜间除雾算法常常使用暗信道先验算法(dark channel prior, DCP)[14]来估计传输,但是由于光照变化不均匀,这种方法也存在着问题。Hong等人[15]提出了一种基于结构斑块分解的夜间单幅图像去雾算法。首先,通过分离光的强度和颜色来估计大气光,然后设置传输值的候选值,并根据每个图像像素的候选值加权求和获得最终传输值,最后再根据这些候选点的结构斑块信息确定权重。SI等人[16]利用改进的伽玛函数在HSV空间增强初始无雾图像的值和色度,在颜色一致性和伪影减少方面进一步提高了夜间去雾算法的效果和性能。


    ① 在处理低照度图像时,去雾算法可能会导致一些细节和局部信息的丢失;对参数设置较为敏感,需要经过反复调试以获取最佳效果。

    ② 一些去雾算法在增强图像的同时可能会引入一些伪影或噪声,使图像看起来不真实或出现瑕疵。

    Retinex理论是一类经典的图像增强算法,通过模拟人眼对光照的感知机制,将图像分解为反射和照明成分来实现增强,在传统的低照度图像增强方法中发挥着重要作用。1977年美国物理学家Land首次提出了Retinex理论[17],应用Retinex理论的关键步骤是将图像分解为反射层和照明层,分别代表反射信息和照射信息。后续研究人员在这基础上又提出了一系列改进的低照度图像增强算法,如单尺度Retinex(single scale Retinex,SSR)、多尺度Retinex(multi-scale Retinex,MSR)和带色彩恢复的多尺度Retinex(multi-scale Retinex with color restoration,MSRCR)等。

    Wang等人[18]提出了一种新的神经网络,通过估计图像到照明的映射来关联输入和优化后的结果,从而使网络有效地学习复杂的摄影调整技巧,并能在不同的光照条件下恢复清晰的细节和显著的对比度。Cai等人[19]提出了一种基于单阶段Retinex的框架(one-stage Retinex-based low-light enhancement framework,ORF),首先估计光照信息来提亮弱光图像,然后还原损坏的图像进而生成增强图像。接着和设计的光照引导Transformer相结合,在用户研究和低光检测中测试结果也表明了该方法的实用价值。此外,Ren等人[20]提出了低阶正则化Retinex模型(LR3M),该模型首次将低阶先验注入Retinex分解过程,以抑制反射图中的噪声,取得了良好的效果。


    ① 该算法在消除光照不均匀性时,需要对光照条件进行一定的假设,对光照条件的依赖性较强。

    ② 在提高图像清晰度的同时容易出现伪影,可能会降低图像的真实感。

    综上所述,按照5种不同的增强方法对传统的低照度图像增强算法进行了分析与总结。传统的低照度图像增强方法可以有效地提升整体亮度,恢复暗部的细节,但通常需要设置多个参数来适应不同类型的图像增强。同时容易导致增强后的图像显得不自然,出现边缘过度增强等问题。直方图均衡化算法通过调整图像灰度直方图来增强对比度;而色调映射算法通过对图像的动态范围进行调整,以改善图像的亮度和对比度;基于融合算法结合了不同曝光度或不同处理策略图像的互补信息,从而生成具有更高对比度和更好视觉效果的增强图像;基于去雾算法利用去雾技术来改善低照度图像的质量;Retinex理论在亮度提升与细节增强等方面具有显著优势。未来研究可以探索将传统方法与深度学习相结合,利用深度学习模型自动调整参数,提高算法的适应性和鲁棒性。传统的图像增强算法技术及优缺点对比总结见表 1

    表  1  传统低照度图像增强算法对比
    Table  1.  Comparison of conventional low-light image enhancement algorithms
    Algorithms Key technology Advantage Disadvantage
    Histogram Equalization[2-6] Changing the histogram distribution of image grey scale intervals Enhanced brightness distribution and sharpness of images Grey scale merge, detail information lost
    Tone Mapping Algorithm[7-9] Convert high dynamic range images to low dynamic range images Improved image brightness and colour performance Limitations in image display quality
    Fusion-based Algorithm[10-12] Fusion of multiple image processing results Improved brightness and clarity has advantages Generates fusion artefacts and introduces image distortion
    Defogging-based Algorithm[13-16] Improve low-light image quality by removing haze effect from images Restore image detail and improve visual quality Partial loss of information, introduction of artefacts, noise
    Retinex Theory[17-20] Decomposition of the image into reflective and illuminated parts Improved colour balance and detail in images Complex calculations, more light-dependent
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    与传统方法相比,基于深度学习的解决方案具有更高的准确性、鲁棒性和速度,能有效避免或者降低其带来的缺陷,深度学习的网络灵活多变,能够学习到图像的复杂特征,并生成视觉上更自然和清晰的增强图像。根据不同的学习策略,将现有的方法分为监督学习、强化学习、无监督学习、零次学习和半监督学习。在接下来的内容中,我们将回顾每种策略的一些代表性方法,总结方法如图 2

    图  2  基于深度学习的低照度图像增强代表方法
    Figure  2.  Summary of typical methods for low-light image enhancement based on deep learning



    此外,Zhang等人[22]根据Retinex理论提出了一种名为KinD的深度神经网络,将图像分解为反射和光照两个组成部分,期望能更好地规范化学习。KinD学习了映射功能,比传统的伽玛校正更符合实际情况,并能灵活调整光级,满足不同用户的光照需求。但是KinD增强后的部分图像存在较严重的伪影和光斑问题,所以两年后该团队又提出了一种改进网络KinD++[23],通过添加多尺度亮度注意力(multi-scale intensity attention,MSIA)模块改进了KinD结果中存在的视觉缺陷。与传统的增强图像亮度的方法不同,KinD++方法通过纹理恢复和色彩均衡来提高图像质量,在低光照条件下的图像增强技术取得了重要进展,但在处理光照分布极不均衡的图像时,该技术仍面临挑战,特别是在光照突变区域,容易出现曝光过度和伪影现象。为降低计算成本,Li等人[24]提出了轻量级的LightenNet模型,专门用于弱光环境下的图像增强。该模型接收弱光图像为输入,并高效估算其照度图,以实现图像质量的提升。但当处理噪声较大的低光图像时,LightenNet在增强图像亮度的同时,可能无法有效地区分噪声和图像细节,从而导致增强后的图像出现不自然的块状区域。Lu等人[25]提出了一种双分支曝光融合网络(TBEFN)来解决弱光图像的盲增强问题,该方法由两个分支组成,一个用于将多个曝光不足的图像融合,另一个用于对融合后的图像进行增强。这样能在保留细节的同时提高图像的亮度和对比度。其模型结构如图 3所示。

    图  3  TBEFN模型分支结构
    Figure  3.  TBEFN model branch structure



    Jiang等人[26]研发了一种高效的无监督生成对抗网络,称为EnlightenGAN,可适用于多个领域中的真实低光照图像增强任务。EnlightenGAN是一种通过生成对抗网络(GAN)进行图像增强的算法,主要分两个部分:生成器和判别器。生成器使用U-Net架构,将输入低质量图片映射到高质量图片空间中。判别器则用于区分生成器输出的图像是否真实,并提供反馈信号来改进生成器的性能。在某些情况下,EnlightenGAN在增强图像亮度的同时,可能会引入伪影或放大图像中的噪声。其模型结构如图 4所示。

    图  4  EnlightenGAN模型结构
    Figure  4.  EnlightenGAN model structure



    Yu等人[29]设计了一种基于深度强化对抗学习的算法框架DeepExposure,用于调整图像曝光度。该算法采用图像分割获得对细节的良好保留,采用异步更新的方式解决了样本相关性,通过局部曝光调整和全局曝光融合的方式生成高质量的图像。但是基于强化对抗学习的Exposure框架图像增强的结果往往会存在颜色失真或过曝光等问题,针对此问题,如图 5所示,周腾威[30]提出了critic正则化相对对抗优势AC(RA3C-CR)框架,利用相对均值生成对抗网络进行近似建模,强化判别器的鉴别能力,并设计了策略梯度算法来稳定训练,提升了增强图像的质量。

    图  5  RA3C模型结构
    Figure  5.  RA3C model structure

    零次学习(zero-shot learning)旨在解决从未见过的类别中识别物体的问题。与传统分类任务不同,零次学习面临的挑战是训练集和测试集中的类别不完全重叠。


    以往的欠曝光图像复原方法大都忽略了噪声,针对这个问题,Zhu等人[34]提出了一种新的三分支卷积神经网络RRDNet,将输入图像分解为光照、反射率和噪声3个分量,并设计了相应的损失函数来评估测试图像的电流分解和指导噪声估计。其主干网络结构如图 6所示。

    图  6  RRDNet模型主干结构
    Figure  6.  RRDNet model backbone structure


    通过结合监督学习和无监督学习的优点,半监督学习可以在数据有限或标注成本高昂的情况下,获得更好的学习结果,并且在许多领域和任务中都取得了显著的改进效果。其中FixMatch[35]和均值教师模型(Mean-Teacher, MT)[36]是典型的半监督图像增强方法,FixMatch通过结合一致性正则化和伪标签生成来简化半监督学习;半监督语义分割中的MT模型,借助新增的teacher模型机制,有效提升了未标注训练图像的分割精确度,实现更强的收敛性和整体上更好的训练准确性。但FixMatch和MT都存在依赖未标记数据的质量、数量以及超参数敏感性问题。如果未标记数据中包含大量噪声或异常值,这些数据可能会误导模型并降低其性能。


    DRBN框架包含递归频带学习(图 7(a))和频带重组(图 7(b))两个阶段,在第一阶段中上一次递归的增强结果将作为下一次递归的指导,后面的递归只负责学习不同尺度的特征域和图像域中的残差,在第二阶段通过以感知质量为导向的对抗学习,对波段表示进行重新组合,以提高增强的低照度图像的感知质量。具体模型结构如图 7所示。

    图  7  DRBN模型结构
    Figure  7.  DRBN model structure

    综合上述方法,分别从5种不同策略对基于深度学习的图像增强算法进行归纳分析和总结。深度学习方法通过训练模型从大量数据中学习图像特征能取得更好的精度,有效地恢复图像曝光,增强细节信息。但同时也会存在数据依赖性、模型复杂度高、训练成本高、可解释性差以及过拟合等问题,未来的研究应致力于解决这些问题,以进一步提高深度学习模型在低照度图像增强任务中的性能和应用范围。根据不同的网络结构,将近6年基于深度学习的低照度图像增强代表方法归纳总结如表 2所示,并对比分析了各算法的改进方式及优缺点。

    表  2  基于深度学习的低照度图像增强方法总结
    Table  2.  Summary of deep learning based low illumination image enhancement methods
    Year Methodology Improvement Advantage Disadvantage
    2019 EnlightenGAN[26] Attention-guided U-Net, an image-enhanced GAN network Processes and generates highly realistic multi-type images Introduces artefacts, amplifies noise; not stable enough
    ExcNet[31] Excludes backlighting and automatically adjusts brightness and contrast Automatically restores detail to backlit images; no need for extensive annotation data Subject to scene limitations, complex scenes may be affected; long training time
    2020 Zero-DCE[32] Introduction of contrast loss function and feature network DCE-Net No need for a reference image; enhance the image while retaining detailed information Requires high input image quality; high training costs
    RRDNet[34] Retinex decomposes residual and salient images Zero sample learning; image details and color saturation are well preserved Relies on accurate reflection and light decomposition; requires high image quality
    DRBN[37] Recursive banding ensures detail recovery; band reconstruction enhances image Good reconstruction of detail enhancement results using paired and unpaired data training Simple experimental setup, not conducted on wider dataset
    2021 Zero-DCE++[33] Accelerated and lightweight version of Zero-DCE Fast inference speed while maintaining performance Enhanced images appear over-enhanced or distorted
    TBEFN[25] Two-branch structure; adaptive residual block and attention module Handles exposure fusion and image enhancement simultaneously Requires large amount of labelled data; not effective in extreme lighting conditions
    RUAS[38] Constructing lightweight image enhancement based on Retinex theory Fast and requires few computational resources; very effective Performance and computational efficiency need further improvement
    2022 LEDNet[39] Combined low light enhancement and dark de-blurring Handles both low light and blur; new dataset LOL-Blur The dataset does not contain other low-light environments and shooting scenes
    LEES-Net[27] Attention to mechanisms for positioning and dynamic adjustment Good generalization ability, robustness and visual effects Long training time and lack of real-time capability; artifacts and oversmoothing issues
    D2HNet[40] Joint denoising and deblurring using hierarchical networks High-quality image restoration for short and long duration shots Training data quality needs to be improved
    2023 Literature[41] Introduction of a new framework for appearance and structural modelling Structural features guide appearance enhancements, producing lifelike results Simple model structure; no real-time enhancement
    Noise2Code[42] Projection based image denoising network algorithm Implementing joint training of denoising networks and VQGAN models Applications have some limitations; adaptability to complex degradation models
    NeRCo[28] Control of adaptable fitting functions to unify scene degradation factors Semantic Oriented Supervision for Improving Perceptual Friendliness and Robustness A priori limitations in text images; validity not verified in a wider range of scenarios
    DecNet[43] Decomposition and Tuning Networks and Self-Supervised Fine-Tuning Strategies Efficient and lightweight network with no manual tuning for good performance Degradation problems in images taken in real low-light conditions
    2024 Multi-Channel Retinex[44] Multi-Channel Retinex Image Enhancement Network, Design Initialization Module Split channel enhancement is used to solve the problem of color deviation Higher model complexity, requires paired data training
    Retinexmamba[45] Integration of Retinexformer learning framework and introduction of light fusion state space models Improve the processing speed by using state space model and maintain the image quality during enhancement Lack of some non-reference image quality evaluation metrics
    LYT-NET[46] YUV separates luminance and chrominance and introduces a blending loss function Simplified light-color information separation reduces model complexity Model generalization ability to be verified, limited comparison methods
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    低照度图像增强一直是图像领域的研究热点之一,有许多可用的数据集在不断改进、出现。其中配对的数据集有SICE、LOL、VE-LOL、MIT-Adobe FiveK、SID、SMOID等,无配对的数据集有LIME、NPE、MEF、DICM等,下面将简要介绍主流的一些数据集:




    MIT-Adobe FiveK数据集[50]起初用于全局色调调整,现也被用于低光照增强,包含来自自然场景和人工场景的5000张图像。并且此数据集还提供了5位专家处理后的增强图像,可用于算法的对比和评估。


    SMOID数据集[52]包括35 800个拜尔列阵的极低光照raw数据及其相应的光照良好的RGB对照数据,由不同光照条件下的移动车辆和行人组成。该数据集用于评估智能手机摄像头在低照度条件下的表现,也可用于图像增强算法的验证。


    ExDARK数据集[54]包含了7 363张从极低光环境到黄昏的低光图像,由10种不同类型的低光图像组成,并附有图像类别标签和局部物体边界框的标注,可用于研究低光照条件下物体检测的性能。

    这些数据集在低照度图像增强算法的研究和评估中发挥着重要作用,它们为算法的设计、优化和验证提供了丰富的实验数据和基准。详细数据总结对比如表 3

    表  3  主流低照度图像增强数据集总结
    Table  3.  Comparison of conventional low-light image enhancement algorithms
    Dataset No. of images Image formats Paired/unpaired Real/Synthetic
    SICE[47] 4413 RGB Paired Real
    LOL[48] 500 RGB Paired Real
    VE-LOL[49] 2500 RGB Paired Real+ Synthetic
    MIT-Adobe FiveK[50] 5000 RAW Paired Real
    SID[51] 5094 RAW Paired Real
    SMOID[52] 179 RAW Paired Real
    LIME[53] 10 RGB unpaired Real
    ExDARK[54] 7363 RGB unpaired Real
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    $$ {\text{MSE}} = \frac{1}{{M \times N\sum\limits_{i = 1}^M {\sum\limits_{j = 1}^N {{{\left( {f'\left( {i,j} \right) - f\left( {i,j} \right)} \right)}^2}} } }} $$ (1)

    式中:MN分别表示图像的行列数尺寸大小;f′(i, j)表示原始图像中位于第M行、第N列的像素值;f(i, j)表示增强图像中对应位置的像素值。


    $$ {\text{PSNR}} = 10 \cdot \lg \frac{{{\text{MAX}}_{\rm I}^2}}{{{\text{MSE}}}} = 20 \cdot \lg \frac{{{\text{MA}}{{\text{X}}_{\rm I}}}}{{\sqrt {{\text{MSE}}} }} $$ (2)



    $$ {\text{SSIM}}\left( {x,y} \right) = \frac{{\left( {2{\mu _x}{\mu _y} + {c_1}} \right)\left( {2{\sigma _{xy}} + {c_2}} \right)}}{{\left( {\mu _x^2 + \mu _y^2 + {c_1}} \right)\left( {\sigma _x^2 + \sigma _y^2 + {c_2}} \right)}} $$ (3)




    $$ d\left( {x,{x_0}} \right) = \sum\limits_i {\frac{1}{{{H_i}{W_i}}}} \sum\limits_{h,w} {\left\| {{w_i} \odot \left( {\hat y_{hw}^i - \hat y_{0hw}^i} \right)} \right\|_2^2} $$ (4)

    式中:dx0x之间的距离;$ {\hat y^l},\hat y_0^l $为单位归一化后的通道维度,利用向量Wi来放缩激活通道数,最终计算L2距离。





    我们可以利用LPIPS评估不同网络架构和任务下的深度特征。对于LPIPS,我们采用基于AlexNet的模型来计算感知相似度。LPIPS值越低,说明结果在感知相似度方面越接近于其对应的ground truth。


    在使用深度学习的算法进行测试时,我们选择在GPU上使用Pytorch或Tensorflow框架,并基于LOL数据集进行实验。另外采用Adam优化器,并设置一个动态变化的学习率。近六年低照度图像增强代表性算法对比如表 4所示,分别从各算法的网络框架、所用数据集、图像格式、评价指标、运行框架以及测试结果PSNR指标进行展示。

    表  4  基于深度学习的低照度图像增强方法性能对比
    Table  4.  Performance comparison of deep learning based low illumination image enhancement methods
    Year Methodology Network framework Dataset Image formats Evaluation metrics Operational framework PSNR/dB
    2019 EnlightenGAN[26] U-Net NPE/MEF/LIME/DICM etc. RGB NIQE PyTorch 17.48
    ExcNet[31] CNN IEpsD RGB CDIQA/LOD PyTorch 17.25
    2020 Zero-DCE[32] U-Net type network SICE RGB PSNR/SSIM/MAE PyTorch 14.86
    RRDNet[34] Retinex Breakdown NPE/MEF/LIME/DICM etc. RGB NIQE/CPCQI PyTorch 14.38
    DRBN[37] Recursive network LOL RGB PSNR/SSIM PyTorch 20.13
    2021 Zero-DCE++[33] U-Net type network SICE RGB PSNR/SSIM/MAE etc. PyTorch 16.42
    TBEFN[25] U-Net type network LOL RGB PSNR/SSIM/NIQE TensorFlow 17.14
    RUAS[38] Retinex Breakdown LOL/MIT-AdobeFiveK RGB PSNR/SSIM/LPIPS PyTorch 20.6
    2022 LEDNet[39] Neural network LOL-Blur RGB PSNR/SSIM/LPIPS PyTorch 23.86
    LEES-Net[27] CNN LOL-v2/LSRW Dark Face RGB PSNR/SSIM/LPIPS/LOE PyTorch 20.2
    D2HNet[40] Pyramid network D2(synthetic dataset) RGB PSNR/SSIM/PR PyTorch 26.67
    2023 Literature [41] End-to-end network LOL/SID RGB PSNR/SSIM PyTorch 24.62
    Noise2Code[42] GAN model SIDD/DND RGB PSNR/SSIM PyTorch
    NeRCo[28] Implicit network LOL/LIME/LSRW RGB PSNR/SSIM/NIQE/LOE PyTorch 19.84
    DecNet[43] Retinex Breakdown LOL/NPE/MIT-AdobeFiveK RGB PSNR/SSIM/NIQE/LOE PyTorch 22.82
    2024 Multi-Channel Retinex[44] Retinex Breakdown LOL/MIT-AdobeFiveK RGB PSNR/SSIM FSIM PyTorch 21.94
    Retinexmamba[45] Retinex+Mamba LOL-v1 LOLv2-real RGB PSNR/SSIM/RMSE PyTorch 22.453
    LYT-NET[46] YUV Transformer LOLv1/LOLv2-real/LOL-v2-syn YUV PSNR/SSIM Tensorflow 22.38
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    3)结合物理模型约束:低照度图像增强可以结合基于物理模型的约束(physics-based constraints)[65],如相机传感器噪声模型、光照模型[66]等。通过引入这些约束,可以提供更准确的先验知识,从而改进低照度图像增强的结果。


  • 图  1   传统低照度图像增强代表方法总结

    Figure  1.   Summary of traditional low-light image enhancement representation methods

    图  2   基于深度学习的低照度图像增强代表方法

    Figure  2.   Summary of typical methods for low-light image enhancement based on deep learning

    图  3   TBEFN模型分支结构

    Figure  3.   TBEFN model branch structure

    图  4   EnlightenGAN模型结构

    Figure  4.   EnlightenGAN model structure

    图  5   RA3C模型结构

    Figure  5.   RA3C model structure

    图  6   RRDNet模型主干结构

    Figure  6.   RRDNet model backbone structure

    图  7   DRBN模型结构

    Figure  7.   DRBN model structure

    表  1   传统低照度图像增强算法对比

    Table  1   Comparison of conventional low-light image enhancement algorithms

    Algorithms Key technology Advantage Disadvantage
    Histogram Equalization[2-6] Changing the histogram distribution of image grey scale intervals Enhanced brightness distribution and sharpness of images Grey scale merge, detail information lost
    Tone Mapping Algorithm[7-9] Convert high dynamic range images to low dynamic range images Improved image brightness and colour performance Limitations in image display quality
    Fusion-based Algorithm[10-12] Fusion of multiple image processing results Improved brightness and clarity has advantages Generates fusion artefacts and introduces image distortion
    Defogging-based Algorithm[13-16] Improve low-light image quality by removing haze effect from images Restore image detail and improve visual quality Partial loss of information, introduction of artefacts, noise
    Retinex Theory[17-20] Decomposition of the image into reflective and illuminated parts Improved colour balance and detail in images Complex calculations, more light-dependent
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    表  2   基于深度学习的低照度图像增强方法总结

    Table  2   Summary of deep learning based low illumination image enhancement methods

    Year Methodology Improvement Advantage Disadvantage
    2019 EnlightenGAN[26] Attention-guided U-Net, an image-enhanced GAN network Processes and generates highly realistic multi-type images Introduces artefacts, amplifies noise; not stable enough
    ExcNet[31] Excludes backlighting and automatically adjusts brightness and contrast Automatically restores detail to backlit images; no need for extensive annotation data Subject to scene limitations, complex scenes may be affected; long training time
    2020 Zero-DCE[32] Introduction of contrast loss function and feature network DCE-Net No need for a reference image; enhance the image while retaining detailed information Requires high input image quality; high training costs
    RRDNet[34] Retinex decomposes residual and salient images Zero sample learning; image details and color saturation are well preserved Relies on accurate reflection and light decomposition; requires high image quality
    DRBN[37] Recursive banding ensures detail recovery; band reconstruction enhances image Good reconstruction of detail enhancement results using paired and unpaired data training Simple experimental setup, not conducted on wider dataset
    2021 Zero-DCE++[33] Accelerated and lightweight version of Zero-DCE Fast inference speed while maintaining performance Enhanced images appear over-enhanced or distorted
    TBEFN[25] Two-branch structure; adaptive residual block and attention module Handles exposure fusion and image enhancement simultaneously Requires large amount of labelled data; not effective in extreme lighting conditions
    RUAS[38] Constructing lightweight image enhancement based on Retinex theory Fast and requires few computational resources; very effective Performance and computational efficiency need further improvement
    2022 LEDNet[39] Combined low light enhancement and dark de-blurring Handles both low light and blur; new dataset LOL-Blur The dataset does not contain other low-light environments and shooting scenes
    LEES-Net[27] Attention to mechanisms for positioning and dynamic adjustment Good generalization ability, robustness and visual effects Long training time and lack of real-time capability; artifacts and oversmoothing issues
    D2HNet[40] Joint denoising and deblurring using hierarchical networks High-quality image restoration for short and long duration shots Training data quality needs to be improved
    2023 Literature[41] Introduction of a new framework for appearance and structural modelling Structural features guide appearance enhancements, producing lifelike results Simple model structure; no real-time enhancement
    Noise2Code[42] Projection based image denoising network algorithm Implementing joint training of denoising networks and VQGAN models Applications have some limitations; adaptability to complex degradation models
    NeRCo[28] Control of adaptable fitting functions to unify scene degradation factors Semantic Oriented Supervision for Improving Perceptual Friendliness and Robustness A priori limitations in text images; validity not verified in a wider range of scenarios
    DecNet[43] Decomposition and Tuning Networks and Self-Supervised Fine-Tuning Strategies Efficient and lightweight network with no manual tuning for good performance Degradation problems in images taken in real low-light conditions
    2024 Multi-Channel Retinex[44] Multi-Channel Retinex Image Enhancement Network, Design Initialization Module Split channel enhancement is used to solve the problem of color deviation Higher model complexity, requires paired data training
    Retinexmamba[45] Integration of Retinexformer learning framework and introduction of light fusion state space models Improve the processing speed by using state space model and maintain the image quality during enhancement Lack of some non-reference image quality evaluation metrics
    LYT-NET[46] YUV separates luminance and chrominance and introduces a blending loss function Simplified light-color information separation reduces model complexity Model generalization ability to be verified, limited comparison methods
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    表  3   主流低照度图像增强数据集总结

    Table  3   Comparison of conventional low-light image enhancement algorithms

    Dataset No. of images Image formats Paired/unpaired Real/Synthetic
    SICE[47] 4413 RGB Paired Real
    LOL[48] 500 RGB Paired Real
    VE-LOL[49] 2500 RGB Paired Real+ Synthetic
    MIT-Adobe FiveK[50] 5000 RAW Paired Real
    SID[51] 5094 RAW Paired Real
    SMOID[52] 179 RAW Paired Real
    LIME[53] 10 RGB unpaired Real
    ExDARK[54] 7363 RGB unpaired Real
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    表  4   基于深度学习的低照度图像增强方法性能对比

    Table  4   Performance comparison of deep learning based low illumination image enhancement methods

    Year Methodology Network framework Dataset Image formats Evaluation metrics Operational framework PSNR/dB
    2019 EnlightenGAN[26] U-Net NPE/MEF/LIME/DICM etc. RGB NIQE PyTorch 17.48
    ExcNet[31] CNN IEpsD RGB CDIQA/LOD PyTorch 17.25
    2020 Zero-DCE[32] U-Net type network SICE RGB PSNR/SSIM/MAE PyTorch 14.86
    RRDNet[34] Retinex Breakdown NPE/MEF/LIME/DICM etc. RGB NIQE/CPCQI PyTorch 14.38
    DRBN[37] Recursive network LOL RGB PSNR/SSIM PyTorch 20.13
    2021 Zero-DCE++[33] U-Net type network SICE RGB PSNR/SSIM/MAE etc. PyTorch 16.42
    TBEFN[25] U-Net type network LOL RGB PSNR/SSIM/NIQE TensorFlow 17.14
    RUAS[38] Retinex Breakdown LOL/MIT-AdobeFiveK RGB PSNR/SSIM/LPIPS PyTorch 20.6
    2022 LEDNet[39] Neural network LOL-Blur RGB PSNR/SSIM/LPIPS PyTorch 23.86
    LEES-Net[27] CNN LOL-v2/LSRW Dark Face RGB PSNR/SSIM/LPIPS/LOE PyTorch 20.2
    D2HNet[40] Pyramid network D2(synthetic dataset) RGB PSNR/SSIM/PR PyTorch 26.67
    2023 Literature [41] End-to-end network LOL/SID RGB PSNR/SSIM PyTorch 24.62
    Noise2Code[42] GAN model SIDD/DND RGB PSNR/SSIM PyTorch
    NeRCo[28] Implicit network LOL/LIME/LSRW RGB PSNR/SSIM/NIQE/LOE PyTorch 19.84
    DecNet[43] Retinex Breakdown LOL/NPE/MIT-AdobeFiveK RGB PSNR/SSIM/NIQE/LOE PyTorch 22.82
    2024 Multi-Channel Retinex[44] Retinex Breakdown LOL/MIT-AdobeFiveK RGB PSNR/SSIM FSIM PyTorch 21.94
    Retinexmamba[45] Retinex+Mamba LOL-v1 LOLv2-real RGB PSNR/SSIM/RMSE PyTorch 22.453
    LYT-NET[46] YUV Transformer LOLv1/LOLv2-real/LOL-v2-syn YUV PSNR/SSIM Tensorflow 22.38
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